Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids

uterine fibroids are the most common noncancerous tumors of women’s uterus. They are approached by the normal muscle of the uterus. They can develop within the uterine wall or remain attached to them. They can be single, multiple or in clusters. Uterine fibroids can cause excessive menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and frequent urination.

Fibroids occur in almost 50% of women and are a leading cause of hysterectomy and a significant cause of infertility.

By bright start growing in the muscle tissue of the uterus. They can grow into the uterine cavity when they are called submucous, or into the thickness of the uterine wall called intramuscular. Then they grow on the surface of the press they are called subserosal and fibroids. Sometimes they grow as we don’t related or stalky fibroids.

What causes uterine fibroids?

The exact reason for fibroids is unknown. They have been seen to run in families. Some particular races have more chances of developing fibroids than the normal population. But the precise reason of having fibroids is grossly unknown.
The growth of fibroids is definitely influenced by the hormones especially estrogen which is normally produced by the Roman body. The fibroids have been seen to grow in young females as early as 20 years old. They tend to shrink after menopause when the body stops producing hormones.
Fibroids can be as small as in head size to as large as technically involved in the whole of the abdomen.

What are the symptoms of the Uterine fibroids?

Most of the fibroids even than their very large produce no symptoms. They are usually in the incidental findings for scans done for some other reasons. However, when the fibroids are symptomatic of the present is usually one of the following presentations.
An increase in menstrual bleeding called menorrhagia, prolonged menstrual bleeding called polymenorrhea, or painful menstrual bleeding called Metrorrhagia. The bleeding can be so excessive as to cause severe anemia. Pressure on the bladder which may cause frequent urination a sense of urgency to urinate or sometimes an inability to urinate. Pressure on direct either causing Constipation or asked for barstools frequently or sometimes painful defecation.
Pain in the lower abdomen or tummy, or fullness in the lower abdomen. When the fibroids are very large in size they can cause an increase in waist size or shape of the abdomen. I have seen parents coming with their unwed daughters suspecting of pregnancy and to the surprise being diagnosed as large fibroids.
Fibroids can be a cause of infertility which means the inability to become pregnant. Sometimes fibroids can be discovered as pelvic masses for some other reason.